Many people enjoying sleeping as much as TV addicts enjoy watching TV, for people like this, sleeping is a leisure activity. But there are a few people who are scared of this very activity. This phobia has a name too it's called Somniphobia. This is completely different from insomnia or sleep apnea, somniphobes try really hard to avoid going to bed. They usually have panic attacks or suffer from panic attacks when it is time to go to bed.
This is a phobia that people think isn't real, but just like any other phobia, Somniphobia is a real thing. Somniphobes experience a lot of unpleasant stuff because of the lack of sleep.
Side Effects
One of the most obvious side effects of having this phobia is daytime sleepiness. Many pieces of research show that one night without proper sleep can lead to lapses in one's judgment and impaired behavior. It also negatively impacts your body's internal clock - your circadian rhythm. Many experiments have shown that improper sleep habits impact performance during the day due to the difference between their actual wake hours and what their body clock wants.
What causes this phobia??
People experiencing sleep paralysis that is people waking up with no control over their body are prone to being a somniphobe. Even people who sleepwalk could be experiencing this phobia. People suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short usually develop somniphobia. We have seen about chronic somniphobia, but there is also a temporary one. The cause of the temporary one can because of watching too many horror movies.